
knee pain with arthrosis

There are over 180 joints in the human body and they hurt almost everyone. Diagnoses sound different, a different treatment is recommended, but the pain does not go away, it only intensifies with age, the relief is temporary.

There is still no consensus in the medical community about this disease, including treatment methods.

What is arthrosis of the joints

It is a whole group of diseases of a polyetiological nature, in which all parts of the joint are destroyed.

causes of arthrosis

There are many of them and they are not fully understood.

  1. Osteoarthritis develops after the injury. For example, if the knee joint is damaged, arthrosis of the knee joint or gonarthrosis occurs.
  2. Delayed arthritis. Arthritis is inflammation of the joint. It can be a complication even after ARVI or the result of a specific infection: gonorrhea, tuberculous, brucellosis, with viral hepatitis, adenovirus infection, rubella, HIV infection.
  3. Elevated physical activity is a professional problem for athletes. For an average person, any load can become stressful and "start" the process.
  4. Autoimmune diseases: osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, drug arthropathy, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, dysplasia can be one of the causes of arthrosis of the hip joint.
  6. Overweight.
  7. Harmful working conditions.
  8. Alcohol and bad habits.

The list is incomplete, but already quite impressive.

Symptoms of arthrosis

The symptoms of arthrosis are numerous, but the main one is pain.

Arthrosis pain first appears with physical exertion and decreases during rest. They arise due to microfractures, spasms of the periarticular muscles, irritation of the surrounding tissue by osteophytes. When synovitis develops, the joint swells, pain appears within the first few movements, then disappears and reappears with prolonged effort.

A necrotic osteophyte (a torn piece of articular cartilage) "wedges" the joint and causes severe pain, crushing and external changes appear, the usual movements are difficult.

Classification Stage one: joint movement is moderately limited, pain is only during exertion, negligible bone growths are visible on X-ray images, joint space narrowing is small. Stage two: the mobility of certain joints is significantly limited, a snap appears. Pain occurs with the simplest movements. In arthrosis of the joints of the legs, lameness occurs due to shortening of the limb, there is distortion of the pelvic area, pain in the legs and in the lower back. The images show that the joint space shrinks threefold, the bone growths are rough, the joint surfaces are damaged. Stage three: the joint is destroyed, with bilateral arthrosis - movement is only possible with crutches.


  • Stage one: joint movement is moderately limited, pain is only during exertion, insignificant bone growths are visible on radiographs, joint space narrowing is small.
  • Stage two: the mobility of certain joints is significantly limited, a snap appears. Pain occurs with the simplest movements. In arthrosis of the joints of the legs, lameness occurs due to shortening of the limb, there is distortion of the pelvic area, pain in the legs and in the lower back.
  • Stage three: the joint is destroyed, with bilateral arthrosis - movement is only possible with crutches.


Arthrosis of the knee and arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) are the most common diagnoses.

Instrumental examination for arthrosis:

  • Radiography - to assess the condition of bone tissue.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography - the degree of destruction of the joint and its parts is determined.
  • Arthroscopy.

arthrosis treatment

Conservative treatment (only in the early stages):

  • NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-inflammatory and warming ointments, joint orthotics.
  • Physiotherapy - to relieve pain and improve blood circulation.
  • Chondroprotectors - it can be said that they are biologically active additives with a Placebo effect.
  • Chondroprotectives with NVPS - relief is felt immediately (anti-inflammatory action), treatment is longer.
  • hormonal drugs
  • Hyaluronic acid preparations are a complete "prosthesis" of synovial fluid.
  • Plasma treatment - PRP therapy, orthoquine therapy.

surgical treatment

  • Endoprosthesis - replacement of joint surfaces.
  • Arthroplasty is a method for small, non-stressed hand joints.
  • Arthroscopy.


The prevention of osteoarthritis, like many complex diseases, is the proper treatment of all infections and a careful attitude to your health.